DEI and Values Statement

Upcycle Bikes satisfies our mission to address the transportation challenges of individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds, ethnicities, and national origins; faiths and ideologies; sexual orientations; gender expressions and gender identities; and races and racial identities. We are committed to advocating for and supporting individuals from all income groups across the full economic spectrum. We support and promote the idea of all individuals working together to support each other to build one inclusive and accessible community. 

Upcycle Bikes’ core values include promoting safety, community, dignity, and environmental responsibility. We embrace, embody, and advocate these values across our operations and programs at all organizational levels.

Meet the Team

Rick Armbruster, Executive Director

Rick started taking apart and modifying bikes as a kid and has enjoyed the challenge of maintaining them ever since. He enjoys giving back to the community and has been active with several organizations in the Grand Rapids area. The idea for Upcycle Bikes came from his support of Afghan refugees joining our community and their transportation challenges. He has a background in business and education and “retired” to become a stay-at-home dad. He is married with two kids and enjoys being active outside in any weather.

What my bike means to me: Adventure and freedom to explore. 

Mike Clark, The Bike Whisperer

Mike's entire adult life has embodied his belief in the power of the bike to change people's lives for the better. He is recently retired from 42 years in the bike shop business as everything from owner to part-time tire-pumper. He has also devoted a great deal of time, energy and passion to the JDRF Ride to Cure program as a coach and head of tech support for the past two decades. 

Mike is an avid bike racer, rider, and trip organizer both locally and nationally. He's also somewhat infamous in West Michigan as "The Tandem Guy". Mike volunteered in the Upcycle Bikes shop for about six months and is happy to now take on the role of Bike Whisperer, which includes wrenching, shop management, and sharing insights on all things bike. He is a tremendous resource and an even better person with a big heart.

When not in the saddle, wrenching, or on-stage with his bandmates, he's likely home in Holland with his wife, son, cat and two dogs.

Greg Dennany, Bike Mechanic

Greg retired in 2016 from Consumers Energy as a System Engineer for the Grand Rapids area Electric Distribution System. He continues to collaborate with former colleagues on technical and customer service issues.

Greg has maintained and upgraded countless bikes over the last four decades for himself and others and was a shop mechanic from 2016 - 2023 in a local bike shop. He was active with Elves & More West Michigan, a local nonprofit that provided bikes to kids at Christmas, from 2005 through 2020. Joining the Upcycle Bikes team allows him to pursue his love for working on bikes and sharing knowledge to help others expand and improve their skills.

When not wrenching on bikes, Greg is very active with the Boy Scouts on multiple levels, he takes on various woodworking and electrical projects, and spends lots of time with his wife, son, and dog looking for the next series of shenanigans for his two granddaughters.

What my bike means to me: Invigoration for the soul

Carol Hallas, Project Manager

Carol recently retired from teaching English to refugees. She was extremely passionate about her work and her students and is enthusiastically applying those same passions to her role at Upcycle Bikes. She is an artist and musician with a creative nature and an attention to detail. Always seeking adventure and fun, Carol loves the freedom her bicycle brings. Joining the Upcycle Bikes team enables her to share that same freedom with others in the community.

Carol shares her life with her husband, son, daughter, and two cuddly Labradors.

What my bike means to me: Efficient and invigorating movement.


Upcycle Bikes is largely run by volunteers. Bike prep experts clean and prepare the bikes. Their obsessive processes are based on a desire to treat our bike recipients with dignity and to offer bikes worthy of excitement. Others work as mechanics and put the same attention to detail into making sure our bikes are both functional and safe before they go out the door. A large cast of of others support our operations at events, providing technical expertise, sharing nonprofit experiences, and just getting stuff done!

It’s cliche to say that we couldn’t function without our volunteers, but it’s true. Upcycle Bikes is more than a nonprofit bike shop. We are a growing, collaborative, and passionate community working to have fun and make an impact every day.

Board of Directors

Matthew Jaglowski

Quality Manager,
Oliver Packaging and Equipment Co.

Laura Saltsman
Vice President

Applications Specialist,

Stefanie Dittmer

Via Design

Brandon Tomash

Corporate Associate,
Miller Johnson

Michael Bohnsack

Consultant and Owner,
Bohnsack & Associates

Steve Buccella

Retired VP Sales & Business Development,

Mubashir Haidary

Grants Accountant,
YMCA of Greater Grand Rapids